
Below are helpful frequently asked questions about the process. If you have additional questions, please e-mail redistricting@countyofsb.org.

How can I check if the map I submitted is population balanced?2021-11-01T17:33:35+00:00

Given that the mapping tools were only recently updated with the official population data, any maps submitted using the estimated population data may not be population balanced according to the official population data, even if they appeared to be so according to the estimated population data.

If you submitted a CSV file or paper map, you can send an email seeking confirmation that it is indeed balanced.

If you submitted through DistrictR or MOR ID, you can open the Plan Summary Table to see if your map is actually balanced. If the far right column says “Yes,” then you do not need to modify your original submission to make it balanced; it already is. If that column gives a percentage value, then that means your map is not balanced, because that value needs to be less than 10%.

What are the steps in the selection process?2021-12-02T08:20:51+00:00
What are the required qualifications to be considered to serve on the Santa Barbara County Independent Redistricting Commission?2021-05-31T00:55:38+00:00
Who is responsible for deciding the new supervisorial district boundaries?2021-12-02T08:13:28+00:00
What are the incorporated cities and what is unincorporated territory in Santa Barbara County?2021-05-27T18:23:39+00:00
Where can I learn more about redistricting?2021-02-08T21:46:32+00:00
What happens to the drafted maps?2021-05-31T00:54:41+00:00

After you submit your map, the demographic consultants will generate the population and other demographic details for your proposed map. Maps can be viewed on the Draft Maps page or on the Interactive Review Map.

Once submitted, maps are considered public records.

Can I submit more than one map?2021-05-31T00:53:51+00:00

Yes, you may submit more than one map. Please draw as many maps as you like.  We suggest you submit only your top 2-3 preferred maps to assist the commission in focusing on the map that best represents your community; however, there is no limit.

Do I have to submit a completed map?2021-05-27T18:22:16+00:00

No. You can draw boundaries for just the district where your neighborhood is, or participate in map drawing for any part of the County

What do the acronyms and categories mean on the demographic sheets?2021-02-08T21:44:26+00:00

These are standard categories included in the Census. Not all of the categories are relevant for creating district maps. Acronyms include:

  • NH: Non-Hispanic
  • VAP: Voting age population
  • CVAP: Citizen Voting Age Population
  • CVRA: California Voting Rights Act
  • NDC: National Demographics Corporation (the firm hired by the County to create the maps)
How can I get involved?2021-05-31T00:53:27+00:00
  1. Provide comment and testimony during the redistricting process in 2021.
  2. Stay tuned for updates on redistricting in Santa Barbara County posted at www.drawsantabarbaracounty.org.
  3. Draw and submit a map using the public mapping tools provided on the Draw a Map page.
How will Santa Barbara County notify the public about redistricting?2021-05-27T18:21:41+00:00

Santa Barbara County is reaching out to local media to publicize the redistricting process. Also, we are making a good faith effort to notifying community groups of various kinds about the redistricting process. Persons who require accommodation for any audio, visual or other disability or language interpretation in order to review redistricting materials or to participate in a public hearing per the American Disabilities Act (ADA), may obtain assistance by requesting such accommodation in writing in advance.

Santa Barbara County is notifying the public about redistricting hearings, posting maps online before adoption, and creating a dedicated web page for all relevant information about the redistricting process. Please continue checking this website for more information and resources.

What criteria will our Independent Commission use when drawing district lines?2021-05-28T17:07:45+00:00

In accordance with federal, state, and county law, the Commission must draw district lines pursuant to the following criteria, which are listed in order of priority:

  1. United States Constitution requirements, including reasonably equal population and a prohibition on racial gerrymandering
  2. Federal Voting Rights Act
  3. California Voting Rights Act
  4. Geographical contiguity, meaning all parts of the district are connected by more than just a point
  5. Geographic integrity of any neighborhood or “community of interest” shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division
  6. Geographic integrity of a city or census designated place shall be respected in a manner that minimizes its division
  7. Easily identifiable boundaries that follow natural or artificial barriers (rivers, highways, rail lines, etc.) and streets
  8. Geographical compactness, meaning not bypassing one group of people to reach another group of people
  9. Topography, other aspects of geography not mentioned above, and cohesiveness of territory

In additional to these, the Commission may also consider other traditional redistricting criteria.

The Commission, however, is prohibited from considering the residence of any incumbent or political candidate and districts shall not be drawn for purposes of favoring or discriminating against an incumbents, political candidate, or political party.

What do the existing supervisorial districts look like?2021-05-06T22:26:39+00:00

You can find a map of the County’s current supervisorial districts here.

Why does redistricting matter to me?2021-05-27T18:18:13+00:00

Redistricting determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for purposes of electing a Supervisor to the County Board of Supervisors (there are five total). The Independent Commission will seek input in selecting the next district map for our supervisorial districts. You have an opportunity to share with the Commission how you think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent your community. 

To find out more about how the process works, contact redistricting@countyofsb.org.

What is redistricting?2021-05-31T00:51:54+00:00

Redistricting is the process where the district lines for Congress, state legislatures, county board of supervisors, city councils, school boards and other elected officials are redrawn every 10 years based on Census data.

Redistricting ensures every person has fair representation by drawing districts with an equal number of people. How the districts are drawn determines how effectively a community is represented in the halls of government.

What can I do to modify my unbalanced mapso that it is balanced?2021-11-01T17:36:47+00:00

If you submitted a CSV file that you got using Dave’s Redistricting App, make sure that your Census field was set to “Total Pop (Adj) 2020”, redraw your map, get a new CSV file, and resubmit that by email.

If you submitted a map using MOR or a paper map, please resubmit using the updated versions now posted on the Draw a Map page.

If you submitted a map using DistrictR, you must start a new drawing by clicking the purple button “built out of 2020 blocks”; if you click on your original version that you made with the estimated data and try to edit that, it will not adjust for the new official data, but continue to use the estimated data.

If you would like to use your original DistrictR version as a template, you can have that open in another tab and try to do your best to replicate it as you make a new drawing. Once you are done, make sure to select “Share Now” to save it to the Public Gallery; drafts are not shared with the Commission.

Please submit your revisions by November 8th; after that date, submitted maps that are not population balanced will be flagged as nonviable. All newly/re-submitted maps will be posted in advance of the November 12th meeting.

Was my map included?2021-11-01T17:29:44+00:00

As long as you submitted your map before the initial deadline of October 18th, your map should have been included for the November 3rd meeting.

However, if you were using DistrictR, it was only included if you selected “Share Now” to save it to the Public Gallery; if you selected “Work in Progress” to save it as a draft, it was not included.

You can check to make sure that your map was included by going to View Draft Maps and opening the Plan Summary Table; then you can check to see if your DistrictR or MOR ID is listed there.

If you submitted a CSV file or paper map, go through the 400s and 600s to check if your map is there, or send an email seeking confirmation.

If you submitted a map after October 18th but before November 8th, it should be included for the next meeting on November 12th.

Who is my district commissioner?2021-05-21T17:17:57+00:00

To find your district commissioner, please visit our Commissioner Biographies page.

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