If you submitted a CSV file that you got using Dave’s Redistricting App, make sure that your Census field was set to “Total Pop (Adj) 2020”, redraw your map, get a new CSV file, and resubmit that by email.
If you submitted a map using MOR or a paper map, please resubmit using the updated versions now posted on the Draw a Map page.
If you submitted a map using DistrictR, you must start a new drawing by clicking the purple button “built out of 2020 blocks”; if you click on your original version that you made with the estimated data and try to edit that, it will not adjust for the new official data, but continue to use the estimated data.
If you would like to use your original DistrictR version as a template, you can have that open in another tab and try to do your best to replicate it as you make a new drawing. Once you are done, make sure to select “Share Now” to save it to the Public Gallery; drafts are not shared with the Commission.
Please submit your revisions by November 8th; after that date, submitted maps that are not population balanced will be flagged as nonviable. All newly/re-submitted maps will be posted in advance of theNovember 12th meeting.